Thursday, March 01, 2012

Last week we went up mount Arthur with Aunt Sue and Uncle Lee. It was a four day tramp and we stayed at a couple of huts. I got sick on the second night so it wasn't great for me but it was a really nice place to go and here are some photos.There was some tough climbing
We saw some keas for the first time.


Daniel said...

Sorry for hijacking your blog comments, Duane. I wanted to ask you if there is any possibility that you could release Bad Memory as an ebook? It’s nearly impossible to get hold of a copy these days.

Duane said...

Honestly I don't know the answer to that question. I don't know who owns the "e-rights" as it came out before that was very important, and the docs are in a storage container in another continent.

If I find out it can be done, no problem.