Monday, May 19, 2008

The boxes are here! OK, for the record, it took right at 4 months to ship them over. They went to who knows where in the USA. Then over to London. Offloaded and repackaged onto the slow boat to China. But here they are, all intact without a single broken item, delivered to our doorstep. Amazing, really. Good thing we weren't waiting on the edge of our seats. In fact, at times I began to forget just what was in them - did we really need ANY of it?

But now, as we unpack, I pull out a load of stuffed animals and children's books...

There's a non-logical aspect to the cost of it - around two thousand dollars. Couldn't we have just bought half this stuff (and forgotten about the other half?)

Ah, but what about the signed Dynamo ball? The family collection of board games? Or the pieces of art that made the trip? Yup, there's Dickerson, and look, Honey Bunny made it. A Mary Fisher house came over wrapped in a sweater, along with turtle from the Foelbers and a bird from Terry Powell.

Terry, your piece now hangs over the stove, a perilous location where bird will take its chances.

That's OK Barb says, if it gets covered in, I don't know, bacon grease, she can always copy it.



Bonnie said...

Fantastic! I know you welcome those homey little anchors.
Are you following Scott's progress up Everest? He is supposed to make his summit attempt in the next day or so!
We miss you - this week is Poe Graduation and after next week, I will only have one Poe student in the house.


Sue K said...

That is so cool that your stuff made it. It will feel more like home now. Miss ya's Sue :-)

Barbara said...

Poe Graduation!!! How did that happen? I am SOOOOOO sad we can't be a part of that . Give the Zigman a big hug from me. Take lots of pics and send them our way.

Scott isn't back yet? I thought he'd already have been up and down Everest.....foolish me.

xoxox back at you

Bonnie said...

Turns out Scott is on his way down. His trick back went out and he was unable to complete his attempt. Big Bummer.