Sunday, January 18, 2009

We attended our first rodeo over the weekend. I imagine it is similar to the Simonton rodeo for those of you who have gone - I remember going as a kid but haven't gone in years.

There's the fence, so we are up close and personal. When the action got right in front of us we kept our mouths closed or else eat some rodeo dirt.

Of course bull riding is interesting in a Roman coliseum kind of way, but I've got to say the kid events are pretty much the best entertainment of the afternoon. Take a four year old, put him or her on a sheep and open the gate. The older kids ride calves. I asked Andrew if he wanted to have a go, and he wisely took a pass.

The kids line up to do it, by the way, so I don't think it constitutes child abuse. The sheep would probably disagree.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

A Sheep Rodeo - Yee Haa!!