Sunday, June 22, 2008

The other day my bike got a flat tire, so we took out the tube. The hole was really small, so we put duct tape on it. I had the idea of filling it with air until it bursted. It got so big that I was scared that it was going to pop, so I went behind the fence and I had to fit the pump in between the little posts to pump it up. It took quite a while, but eventually, it popped. Also look at my tags so that if someone searches "Barack Obama" or some thing it links to my post.


Barbara said...

Hi Deano,

You'll have to tell me if you get any hits. Erin and Kimberley left day. Aunt Sue comes back Tuesday.

has ther been any more frost?

Miss you xoxox, Mum

Bonnie said...

I am Barack Obama and I approve this message.


(Ziggy's mom actually...)

Anonymous said...

Heh...It's Tony. Long time no see. Err, talk to. Either way, heh. Ehehehe....Oh who am I kidding.



My hair is also freakishly long now.