Friday, August 01, 2008

Last Wednesday we experienced what I believe would be called a gale. Purportedly the worst storm in thirty years with wind gusts between 75 - 90mph. I felt like I was back in Houston, TX in the middle of a hurricane. Check out "Severe Weather Nelson, NZ" and you'll see one of our locals escape fate......amazing. Sorry our video is sideways...if you know how to fix that let us know

When the rains and wind began I just thought we were having a bit of bad weather. When after about two hours I looked out and saw limbs flying through the air I realized this was much more than that.The kids were in school and the administration had the good sense to keep kids until parents picked them up. Primary kids who normally walked home alone and could not have a parent pick them up were driven home by a teacher. Duane and I parked under a stand of giant pine trees when we got Dean and Andrew. What were we thinking!!!! Later one of those trees became uprooted.

Our property lost at least five trees. Good news, not our problem Even better news, no one was hurt!


Anonymous said...

wow crazy!those are pretty strong winds! by the way the 4 hurricanein the Gulf Of Mexicio hit texas!dolly (the storm) sent some prety good waves!

Anonymous said...

Wow. A tropical storm is about to hit Houston, but it shouldn't be THIS bad. Good to know that nobody was hurt.

Barbara said...

Hi Guys,

Tell us how the tropical storm goes. Are you ready to go back to school?? Thanks for dropping by.


p.s. Dean's lying in front of the fire now before he gets ready for school. Can you imagine? A August

Anonymous said...

Wow...that was a really...lame storm. We didn't get anything serious at all. At least, in my area.

Bonnie said...

HI guys! Love the video - I have no idea how to rotate it! (kind of cool...)

We miss you Houston just doesn't feel the same - but at least you still have freaky weather.

School starts back next Monday.... I'm not ready in the least. Am loving sleeping in and having our evenings free. I spent today updating my calendar to include soccer, scouts, ballet, softball and PTO stuff.

Save meeeeeeee!!!!!!!

Barbara said...

So nice to see "Optimist" again!! How was your exotic island vacation? I'll have to check the blog.

We miss Houston, too. It's crazy that school is about to start. We're down here awaiting Spring and eventually OUR summer vacation.

Hope everyone has a good year. Hello to Bruce and the kids.

xo, b